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Recommend Product: Yes Pros: comfort, looks, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound and soundCons: poor build quality, open backs, Joe GradoIn my opinion Grado Sr80i has the best sound you can get for under 150£. Some say it beats any can under 200£ but i never spent more than 150£ on a pair of headphones so I wouldnt know. I had a lot a headphones over the years like Beyer DT880 pro, AKG K240, Sennheiser HD595 and loads of other cheap ones. None came even close to it.The sound is so warm and detailed it feels my heart with joy. Ok it lacks bass but mids and highs are just sublime. Vocals and acustics never sounded so good. Whoever said these headhpnes are good for rock was wrong. More likely good for classic, pop, acoustic. It adds such a sweetness to the sound, it cannot be described. I realise this isnt how music was supposed to sound and I dont care. It sounds too good for me to go back to flat monitoring or boomy hi-fi's.I use mine with a Cowon S9, always FLAC, never mp3. Just be careful on what player and file type you choose, these headphones are very unforgiving. I have tried them with iPods, mobile phones, random mp3 players and I can say Grados need a good source otherwise you will be ****apointed. You will also need to burn these headphonse in, they can sound a little harsh and ****apointing when new.Sometimes I use them for PC gaming. Because of their detailed sound these headphones give me a great edge over competition in online gaming like Counter-Strike. I can hear other players and pin-point their location far more accurately than with my other headphones. Some even think I cheat!SR80i has open backs so it wont be very good for commuting since everyone will hear what you listen to. It was ment for amped use at home but because of its low impedance can be easily driven by portables without any amplification.These headphones feel fairly comfy, I never had any issue with them even after a full day of use. Not as comfy as an over-the-year can like DT800 but comfy enough. They have a great retro look of which some may not be as fond as I am. The headphones themselves feel cheap and plasticky and wont please at the first view.Now the bad. My pair broke after 2 months of use. It start distorting bass and I had to send it back. As I read other reviews I understand it is a common problem. In my opinion Grado needs to re-design its low end models and advertise more. I looked at the better models and I know I will never own an RS1...Why does it have to be so pricey? Because they make them in the States, by hand. To Grado: just invest in some industrial robots and give costumers a chance!