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目前5sing规定每人只能创建30个专辑。六也很无奈啊,表示已经用完了= =|||所以,为了方便大家寻找,就用日志的形式挂专辑、曲目。有爱的亲可以来这里找。各种不便,还请大家海涵~~~(本专辑共20+4首配乐。3首有歌词,《02.邪火焚世》歌词附在文章最后)——————相·册·分·割·线——————相册地址:——————音·乐·分·割·线——————01. 梟雄天下 梟皇論戰片頭曲(歌词)· 邪火焚世 魔王子氣勢曲(歌词)· 魔端 魔王子角色曲· 一卷冰雪 玉辭心角色曲· 塵世淨蓮 素還真智者版新曲· 海天決 海天一決氣勢曲· 蕭瑟 蕭瑟角色曲· 夢土蝶跡 留蝶夢土場景曲· 劍心之初 劍之初情境曲· 雲鼓雷峰 雲鼓雷峰場景曲· 玄舸戰武 婆羅塹·碎島氣勢曲· 天道雲蹤 任雲蹤角色曲· 飛碧凌渡 擊珊瑚角色曲· 風沙揚萬里 劍之初武戲曲· 凱風寒泉 易子娘角色曲· 霓羽悠情 霓羽族情境曲· 天局 惜夫人佈陣曲· 雀舞翎鋒 孔雀武戲曲· 回首煙雲 玄覺與元別· 情義 梟皇論戰片尾曲(歌词)·———加赠四首———01. 死神之眼 天狼星神眼再開· 鬥法 朱聞蒼日鬥伏嬰師· 速殺 疏樓龍宿戰夜重生· 刀龍決 刀龍之戰·——————歌·词·分·割·线——————[00:00.00]You're the prince of the truth and real.[00:05.21]Save my world from my truth and real.[00:17.00][00:17.50]You're the prince of the truth and real.[00:21.82]Save my world from my truth and real.[00:27.50][00:28.00]Take me away from the gloominess like the fire.[00:34.40]We are all ready to fly.[00:38.57]HIgh...[00:45.75]Fly me to the sky.[00:49.99]Flying high.[00:54.19]Flying high.[00:58.39]Flying high.[01:00.50][01:01.00]You're the prince of the truth and real.[01:05.60]Save my world from my truth and real.[01:12.50][01:13.00]邪火焚世[01:30.00]词/曲/唱:阿轮[01:46.50][01:47.00]You're the prince of the truth and real.[01:51.47]Save my world from my truth and real.[01:59.92][02:00.03]Take me away from the gloominess like the fire.[02:06.17]We are all ready to fly.[02:10.44]HIgh...[02:17.58]Fly me to the sky.[02:21.90]Flying high.[02:25.93]Flying high.[02:30.09]Flying high.[02:34.26]Flying high.[02:44.00][02:45.50]HIgh...[02:53.09]Fly me to the sky.[02:57.25]Flying high.[03:01.43]Flying high.[03:05.60]Flying high.[03:08.50][03:09.00]-END-[03:10.00][03:10.50]歌词编辑By寂青觞六樱残散