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Ain't no sunshine when he's gone
It'snot warm when he's away
Ain't no sunshine when he's gone he's always gone too long
Anytime he goes away
Wonder this time where he's gone
Wonder if he's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when he's gone he's always gone too long
Anytime he goes away
And I know, I know...
i'm gonna leving yaong thing alone
but ain't no sunshine when he's gone
Only darkness everyday
Ain't no sunshine when he's gone he's always gone too long
Anytime he goes away
hey i'm leving yaong thing alone
but ain't no sunshine when he's gone
Ain't no sunshine when he's gone he's always gone too long
Anytime he goes away
Anytime he goes away
Anytime he goes away
Anytime he goes away