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I am the rain and you are the sun
I am the rain and you are the sun
Think eye for eye and a heart for a heart
Just give all what you’ve got
Heart breaks in pieces
I thought I might be loss or maybe thing could be team
Get a match and the price are for you
You know it comes to the former kidding thing every time
Decide if this point to let go or hold on by aside
cool could you best hard to cut you break
For a while think twice to have a sit
Kiss in the couple again
Forget a bit rain
Shy like you are all insane
You are my super man
I am the rain and you are the sun
I am falling down whenever you’ve gone
I am the rain and you are the sun
You dry my tears while when you come
No want, no sorry, no worry, no shame, no bleed what is that to you
Hey don’t want to say you **** you **** you pay to make it come true
Kiss the couple again
Forget a bit rain
Shy like you are all insane
You are my super man
I am the rain and you are the sun
I am falling down whenever you’ve gone
I am the rain and you are the sun
You dry my tears while when you come