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kiss me goodbye 与我吻别
You say my love is all you need to see you through
But i know these words are not quite ture
Here is the path you're looking for, an open door
Leading to worlds you long to explore
Go, if you must move on alone
I'm gonna make it on my own
Kiss me good-bye,love's memory
Follow your heart and find your destiny
Won't shed a tear for love's mortality
For you put the dream in my reality
As time goes by i know you'll see this of me
I loved you enough to let you go free
Go,I will give you wings to fly
Cast all your fears into the sky
Kiss me good-bye,love's mystery
All of my life I'll hold you close to me
Won't shed a tear for love's mortality
For you put the dream in my reality
Kiss me good-bye,love's memory
You put the dream in my reality